It looks nice, and it feels like it's got a ton of dev time put into it, but I am very confused. Some notes:
- In the first level, the plant that attacks by shooting some brown balls, the balls merge with the environment too much. They're the same brown and all.
- The character will constantly drop grabbed gears when platforming around for seemingly no issue. Seems like it has to do with hitboxes. Similarly the times when I can pick it up or end up hitting it instead seems to not be very consistent as well.
- The climbing animation is sorta bizarre. I notice it still adheres to the pixel grid properly and all, but it feels oddly smooth in a stiff way.
- I don't think you should be slowed down every time you walk in front of a gate.
- Rewinding feels too slow.
- If I release a charge attack before it finishes charging, I think it should do a normal attack instead.
- In the metallic cogwheels room with the balance platforms on a chain, I seem to be making them lighter by standing on them?
I am overall very confused, and the whole thing seems to just be a death trap requiring me to rewind every couple seconds rather than an intricate puzzle that makes use of the time mechanics in some interesting way. Many of the enemies seem to do attacks that are very poorly communicated and as a result I'm just going "what?" every other room. I also don't understand why some enemies get rewinded while others get killed, and sometimes rewinding an enemy rewinds them out of existence... it all feels very random.