I really love Invisible Cities :^D
This game is extremely cool!! I love the theme, and playing as successive wayfarers for successive Khans totally captures my imagination. In english at least, the game rules seem to be a little more tangled than I think the game really wants. I also think it might be a little tough to play with more than three players - although I love the leading questions, my impression of the Eyes seemed like they have a little less to do than the other characters (admittedly, only from reading!! I didn't get a chance to play). With all the cool card drawing, I also kind of found myself wishing for a card-based random location/item/etc table. Anyway, I don't want to make it sound like I have any real complaints!! I am really in awe at the way you managed to pack in so much flavor into the map making, not to mention the questions and scripted statements.