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But of course! I like serious and mature characters, but also I love how you made him so hot-blooded and passionate. For me he has kind of Severus Snape vibes.But teasing him was fun. I'm afraid I've already spent too many time contemplating possibility of their further romance development with MC.
With Ray and Markus I have no doubts, Ray seems perfect for MC with their passion and same interests, and with Markus it looks like they're having good stable healthy relationship. But with Lawrence it is more of passion and curiosity. And because his jealousy and their age gap, I'm wondering how it will work. Also probably he was alone for so long, so it won't be easy to change habits to live with someone.
In fact I would like to find more more of Lawrence's backstory. I have a feeling that somewhere in his past there was army or something like this, that suits his hot temper.
So, yeah. For me Lawrence Hanson came out as a very real person. But I guess I can say the same thing about almost all characters in the game (except maybe Leonard), so you've made a great work. And thank you for the games!

We haven't noticed it before, but now that you mention it, Lawrence is really similar to Snape 👀 I CAN'T UNSEEN IT NOW LOL

It is so fun to read your thought on him because it shows how much his character left an impression and I couldn't be happier about it ❤️

I understand why you would like to know more about his backstory. Lars was the only one that didn't share anything about it aside from what other people said 😅 We were worried about it because everyone had a secret and he was just there, living his life. I think that's what also made him stand out, somehow. But I assure you that we did not ignore it lol and we want to go back to this topic in the future. 

I really like your point of view on him. It's very interesting and I'm so glad you shared it with us 🥰❤️ Really, thank you so much!

Also, the update is out! We found the bug in the gallery and we fixed it. Hopefully, now, you will be able to play it correctly! Let me know if it doesn't work 🥰