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Hey HappyTimeGuy, I recorded myself playing your game. I hope seeing how I play, and hearing my commentary is going to be helpful to you.

Thanks for the video commentary. I'll reply as I'm watching through it

I definitely see a lot of people struggled with aiming the attacks since its bound to tilting up/down intended for controllers, but I added in mouse aiming in the latest revision like you were attempting. And lots of people similarly didn't realize you needed charged attacks to permanently kill rewindable enemies, I'm testing adding a system to kill without them anyway, but man its tough to watch people struggle with that bit. Some people killed the bosses in a few seconds, some took several minutes to randomly hit a charged attack at the end and have no reason why they killed it.

I had a 'camera peeks up/down while holding up/down' feature, you can even see the MC tilting his head up when you hold it since I animated it, but even with some tolerance lagtime I found it too distracting if you were using up/down to angle attacks, so its just commented out in the code. The later revisions also slow down movement significantly.

Noticed very few people tried attacking to reflect projectiles. Definitely should make the non-dangerous lavafalls in the background be a more desaturated color so people don't think it will kill them.

The bossfight you think you skipped was just the three skeletons in the rotating iris area, wasn't meant to be hard. Definitely should let the AI for some platform enemies like the big electro robot bossfight move to different floors for an open shot, I didn't configure its jump nodes properly. 

I don't know if you are familiar with Starbound, but it has a really nice camera system which lets you hold a button and move camera off centre while still keeping the character on screen e.g if you know you are going to be moving to the right, you can move the cam so that the character would at far left side of the screen. I am not sure if it would be possible for you to implement something like that with how you move and rotate the camera sometimes, but I think it would be a nice addition to the game.

the three skeletons

oh, I completely forgot about your skelly boys.

Definitely should make the non-dangerous lavafalls in the background be a more desaturated color so people don't think it will kill them.

I feel like everything in your game tries to kill the player, so don't be surprised when players try to either play very carefully and get scared of everything, or they get tilted hard and try to rush with using the time power over and over even for easier sections.

big electro robot

yes, he really needs better artificial intelligence.