Yeah, this game is really good. Everything is seriously well-built and written. The soundtrack is perfect. The characters are amazing.
I don't actually know, but it would be nice if helping Lady Tess investigation on the missing family leads us to the key of that freaking door, and if it does, it could save the party while also giving us time and whatnot. Dunno, but I think the investigation is somewhat related to almost everything that's happening on Northcrest. Including this feels event.
Truth be told, both Bernard and Logan hold my heart. They're so lovely it hurts. (Rhot is quite cute too, as Caleb, but these two... ♡)
You're talking about having high hopes... dearest, my anxiety hyperphantasia is creating lots of stories about this game, some heartbreaking, others fluffliest than the whole pack. Whatever happens, I just hope for the best outcome among the options we'll receive~