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I wrote a comment back then and I mentioned that I wanted a way to check my stats from the file select menu. Well I guess I got my wish today as 1.4 did finally give me one. 

But aside from that, the controls are still the same. However, it really is a problem at the fundamental level so if you do want to fix it, you'd probably need an entire rework. I understand reworking an entire physics engine is hard as all hell, but I'd at least appreciate a sort of neutral attack. It would pretty much sort out some issues.

Now as for the new content, the double coin events do sound like it can really help. However, like the gacha schedule, I don't think anyone would plan their week for this. Also while I haven't checked out the Shroom Project collab, I did check out Super Sexy Mario Land. And all I can say is, I like the idea of a reverse collab of instead of anime in Mario, its Mario in anime. But for level design, currently they're kinda lukewarm.

All in all, I appreciate this game is still getting updates, but to be honest the game's framework itself is flawed. But once again, I don't think its horrendous or anything, just kinda meh in my opinion.

(also while this is just a question, why do you allow 26 files? I don't see anyone using 4 let alone 26)