I wish I could say I have finished this game but I haven't.
The art was great. I am a sucker for pixel art. I did notice that some assets seemed squashed, primarily on some rotating platforms but definitely not on the majority. It could be the lights playing tricks on me... speaking of which. A good use of darkness and lighting for sure, but if I had to give a critique it would be that the match lights up a bit too slow since you can't move. Even if I didn't change the speed of the light I'd maybe allow movement to stop the increase and dim it back down early so that players could choose to take smaller bursts of light for speed & game pacing.
I see in your description that you had added more audio to your game after submission & a level skip option. I'll probably be checking that out as I try to play through this game moving forward so my so I can finish the experience.
Overall a solid game I have thoroughly enjoyed.