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(1 edit)

Weirdly when I open the settings tab in game it crashes out with the same exit code error. Here's the runlog.txt file contents again if that helps.

 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.161 Starting Engine::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.318 Starting Display::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.318 Starting Display::SetVideoMode(), setting 1280x720
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.395 Initializing GLEW.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Updating camera.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Leaving Display::InitializeVideoMode()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Done With Display::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Starting Input::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.426 Done With Input::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Starting StateMachine::Init
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Leaving StateMachine::Init
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Done with Engine::Init()
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Created state NO NAME with ID 17
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 StateMachine: Transitioning to state NO NAME, ID 17
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.444 Starting main game loop.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:25 2019.450 Loading texture Images/gamepad_buttons.png on the fly!
[hamumu chopped out tons of success lines to trim it down]
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.874 Created state StatsState with ID 11
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Enumerating Resolutions.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1440x900
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1280x1024
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1280x960
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1152x720
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 1024x768
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 800x600
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Found resolution: 640x480
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Created state OptionsState with ID 2
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.902 Created state ShopState with ID 4
[hamumu chopped out tons of success lines to trim it down]

 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.905 Loading profile.
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:26 2019.905 StateMachine: Transitioning to state MainState, ID 0
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:33 2019.324 StateMachine: Transitioning to state OptionsState, ID 2
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:33 2019.341 Loading sound Sounds/RWP/storybf.ogg on the fly!
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:33 2019.341 Loading sound Sounds/RWP/storybf.ogg
 Tue Apr 30 13:46:33 2019.363 Load successful.

What is the native resolution of your monitor, and what is the refresh rate?  I'm not certain why it's having trouble finding a good resolution for you.

I believe its 1440 by 900, and i think 60hz refresh rate