I really enjoyed playing this, great story and writing, amazing characters. It was worth the spend.
One question I have about the story though, what happens to the Arcadie bloodline if you choose to romance someone the same gender as you?
If you 'adopted' then they wouldn't have the royal Arcadie blood and would have trouble handling your family's artifacts, or potentially having the Gift. On the other hand, I doubt your chosen RO would very much appreciate if you had an heir by 'other means'. Even if they let you, wouldn't that child be illegitimate? I suppose royalty could have the power to legitimise whoever they wanted, or does that not matter in this story?
Anyway, sorry for the slight tangent. The thought came across my mind and was bothering me ever since.
Like I said before, this is a great game and I had a lot of fun playing it. You did a great job, and thank you!