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I had a ton of fun, there are lots of good ideas! I'm not really familiar with the tower defense genre but I like how involved this one is, since you can directly fight alongside your turrets.

There are a few things I have noted :

- On the pause menu, it would be nice to be able to click on the options to activate them,

 - The kitchen theme is very loose, besides the controlled characters do you plan on designing kitchen related turrets or enemies?

- The player has to be hyperactive on the beginning stages of the game, but once you get past a certain threshold, it becomes impossible to either lose of win the game, and you can let the game play itself indefinitely. I let the game run for about an hour and I got a 150.073.551 score 😁  I wonder if you could make the turrets need maintenance at random intervals, and that maintenance would cost metal. That way the player would be forced to constantly move between his turrets to keep them working. Also, it would make the moving  bonuses crossing the screen more useful and needed. What winning conditions do you plan on adding?

All in all, great work! I definitely see myself playing again.

(1 edit)

Thanks for giving the game a go!! I'm currently working on a unique buildable mini-tower for each main tower and they'll all fit the kitchen theme, so generic turrets are going bye-bye. 

That pause menu is gonna be redesigned with clickable buttons and cool looks and everything.

I'll keep the maintenance idea in mind!! I've been trying to brainstorm ideas to get the player to move around and do something actively in late game. There's concept I have where there's an enemy type only the player can destroy that pops up at random locations (they don't move) and the player has to destroy them before they can launch their long range attack at the Pantry. Still gotta actually prototype this to see if it's actually worth going for or not lol

For winning conditions, I wasn't sure yet what I wanted to go for. I thought it would be interesting if there was a campaign mode that offers various objectives per map (or alternative version of the same map), so stuff like reaching a certain round, survive for a specified amount of time, playing with modifications like harder enemies or reduced Metal income, etc. This all depends on if I decide to go for a full blown release or just keeping this as a little experiment, and I'm not sure yet.

So glad you enjoyed my game!! Glad to hear you liked it even if you're not familiar with TD games that's awesome to hear.