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Seas of Novis notes from rangerdanger4tw (discord):

- I recommend adding a background instead of just a black screen on the title screen.

- XP clock UI thing is cool.

- Timing based minigame... ooof, I lack skill, haha. Not my thing, but cool mechanic.

- Very pretty tileset

- The magic animations are cool, very nice.

- If i try to use the mastery draught, but then cancel, it consumes the unit's turn.

- So this is just my oppinion on the timing minigames. For some players they will be easy, but for others (like me) they will be difficult to master. This means that if you balance around them, some people will perform poorly because they can't access some of the game's strategies reliably. It's a different skill set than strategy decision making. If this is intended and the type of game you want to make, awesome. Just be aware that this will be something to think about and if you think it will make some players less interested if they feel like they enjoy SRPGs but not timing/fighting game-like reflex skill mechanics.

- Taking damage on miss of a magic attack may be faithful to Gaiden, but I really hate that mechanic, ha.

- Fun first map, but took me 3 tries (the first was lack of understanding, the second death was just a boneheaded mistake)

-No bakcgrounds on the Celica/Mae convo on the boat?

-A great QoL feature would be to include the HP cost of magic in the battle forecast, if possible.

-3rd faction?! Very cool.

-I don't get forts as a healing mechanic.

-Enemy critical hits, lets talk about them. They are very strong, and random. When they happen to Celica, it's basically a guaranteed kill. Not sure how to play around it. It's just a "you lose this time" mechanic. Maybe give Celica higher luck? (If that's a thing.)

-In terms of balance, it sometimes seems like my margin for error is so small that if I miss more than one attack or get an unlucky crit, the run is ruined.

- I like that EXP is distributed to whole team at the end of the chapter. I don't have to feed kills to specific units to make them keep up. I can use everyone to their full potential for the situation that is called for without units being left behind.

-I couldn't get the ring in the second map without someone dying, so I left it alone. Beat it on try #3.

-Cool animated/story/cutscene event thing where they burn the ship down.

-Fun music.

-The writing is sufficiently good that I am interested in what they are doing. I always have a tough time with FE fan type stories because I think my own ideas of what characters are end up being slightly different than how others write them. Still fun all the same. More of a musing than a critique.

-Start of map 3, there's no way that I am going to be able to remember which houses the theives are going after. The info is fed to me really fast and I have a hard time keeping up.

-You give me an axe, say I probably don't need it and should just sell it. Why not just give me gold? Is it to make the payoff only accessible if I save the shop from being burned down?

-Is Kamui's skill bugged? Or if I double does it count as double the number of times I already will attack? (2 x number of bullseyes). I ask because I only got one of the extra pings in the minigame and I still hit 4 times, but I might have already been doubling.

-I can't beat missing three 80 to 95 hit chances in a row. Feels bad.

-Do you have a smooth scroll plugin or something? If it's publicly available, I would love to know about it. (When scrolling between units)

-What's teh point of resume game? Just to make sure you don't lose progress if it shuts down randomly?

- I almost beat the 3rd map, but ran out of time for the night and had to move on. Probably would have beat it on my 2nd or 3rd try like the first two maps. I can't help but feel that 50% of my deaths were due to bad play, and the other 50% due to just random bad hit rate/crit rate shenanigans. I don't have a lot of units, so it's hard to lose units to sopmething that isn't in my power. If I got a new unit every map I wouldn't worry about it as much, but right now it's like... if someone dies, it's a HUGE deal. Consider giving Celica a high luck stat to avoid map ending unlucky crits as much as possible (since she literally cannot die or else you lose).

-Overall a pretty satisfying experience. If I were looking to play a an FE fan game, I would definitely play the full game on release. The quality is sufficient and I assume it will only get better.

- Seems like the next step is deciding if you want to do more with the art direction. Black and white UI looks nice and clean, but is a little bland.