Imma be real, I do absolutely adore this game, the girls are cute (and actually have personalities unlike a lot of games like these), it shows super cute moments while also getting some of the best lewd content I have seen for a long time in a yuri game like these. The story is fun and the progression being as quick or as slow as you want is something that pleases me greatly.
I am very much looking forward to the addition of content as it has been absolutely beautiful so far and the sneak peak into potentially having routes of keeping it light and breezy, open-relationships, or even monogamous is really interesting as well since the representation of all these couplings tend to have some downsides and upsides to them, so the extent that these get explored is something I am anticipating. Also the side stuff with the minor characters really fleshes out the feeling of a small uni life.
The artwork, coding, and modeling that has gone into the game is awesome and as someone who has tried to actually successfully use these kinda software and creation tools, it is really hard to get it looking as smooth as it is portrayed here, so there is a lot of respect for that from my side of things.
There are a few sentences and a few interactions that imo are a bit clunky and feel like they play out a tad robotically, and I do wish that the whole voyuerism and lewdness could be a bit more of a slow build up, I fully recognise this is their image of how it wants to go and I am still a big fan that once again for the most part the progress is up to the player for a few things. But that is really all the constructive criticisms and I have about the game, and the praise and admiration for this endeavor far outweighs it.