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Fun little toy (I don't know if I'd call it a game at this point). Not sure how you'd turn it into a game, maybe a game where you have to make a particular statue? And it rates it based on how close you get?

For the circle shape, it looks like there's some small amount of background alpha to it, because if you click enough times in one spot you start to see a square around the circle. The shapes also get blurrier the larger you make them -- would have been good to have them at a higher resolution and then downscale rather than upscale.


Thanks for giving me feedback! :D I know it doesn't have much gameplay. I just wanted to make something I don't usally make :)

Did you play the game in your browser? Because scaling doesn't really work very well in the browser version of the game, but changing the resolution for the shapes should probably work. I don't know if I'm going to do it though since scaling works fine in the downloadable version.

Yeah I played in the web version -- checked out the desktop version and it doesn't seem to have any of the same issues.