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Developers, I hope you know the direction you are goung with this game(s) because the first parts had some cool things with the drone witch could use some more work and the bird chase sequence witch could have been better. Creating sequel after sequel isn't a smart move for the franchise and your team. If you are going to create a awesome horror game, stick with one and keep building off of that and learn mistakes as you go. Create cool, creepy and memorable characters besides being sloppy and lazy with it. I see potential in your creation but your taking a bad path and will eventually cause some backlash. Please take your game seriously and good things will come back to you.


Can you do any better? Don't judge on people if you don't know what creating games takes. It takes so much time and effort and this is not sloppy... The second game is an hour long that takes months or years to create.

"My car keeps breaking down."
"Well, why don't you make one then."

That's your argument summed up. It's such a ridiculous one too. By your logic that means we can't criticise anything if we're unable to make it ourselves. That's a terrible attitude to have; criticism is essential in bettering creations.


I'm not saying you can't criticize. Just know what you are judging on is not something you know nothing or little on.


You mean which, not witch.




Oh, you were talking about the other guy not me, sorry


It's alright