Greetings Kathinka!
Somehow I looked up a horror game but ended up playing Mansion Tour and fell hard for it though it's just a short game. I can't help feeling sad when the game ended and I wish it were much longer.
Storytelling and magic-related RPG is just my cup of tea and you did great work!! I love the story and the character design (especially Boss, oh, and Odin is too handsome I started to imagine him ending up with Boss lol).
Love also the fighting parts which are interesting enough while not too hard. I prefer that way because I'm practically bad at fighting games hehe.
The background music is amazingly good fitting the game perfectly <3
Thank you for such an enjoyable game.
If you're ever going to create a sequel with expanding story of Mickey and the fairy world and more characters it would be awesome!!
P.S: Just curious is the voice at the beginning yours? It sounds good, lovely tone and easy to hear.