I cant speak about rape culture/zoophilia as I cant remember everything and I feel lazy to make a new game to check up on things, but if I am right, there is a significant amount of CONSENT in this game already. (if not a solid 99% of consent I would say)
For instance you dont have to tease the enemies: you could choose the smash and smack route and forget about sex. Then... every time I triggered a potential sex scenenario, Hyao has given us options to select what we want... Of course you have to remember some actions may have long-term effects.
I´ll use the example of Rhot: in my game Rhot became a greedy impulsive lizard but only because I gave him too much freedom in previous situations. That is MY fault, and now this is what I get. Still I am dead serious that there are options to say "Stop!" or a simple "Not this time" so thats alright.
If you had a negative experience with any character in the game, feel free to share it here and talk things. Maybe you havent explored his options/routes :)
Ps: if the enemy is teasing you and want to avoid undesired sex, you´ll have to bring lots of restrain potions with you. Thats the only situation I can think of non-consensual sex.