Went pretty well. We roleplayed freeform for some 20 minutes then introduced the first token-exchanging part (as a separate "ritual" separate from the rest of play, like a traditional test) and it quickly accelerated events to being questioned about the guards about a shady individual we were travelling with, lying our asses off that we didn't, being caught leaving together with him the next morning, then going into a chase, our vehicle failing midway, we being ambushed by locals, creating a ramp to move forward with magic, then finally reaching the woods and getting to safety... ! This was with the shared pool of tokens, and I think it worked neatly as pressure to keep the party together.
Later on I tried the separate, individual pools and it led to a more heroistic fantasy, maybe? Like, the individual characters did awesome actions, as opposed to the group, which creates a certain kind of mental image often associated with that kind of thing, I suppose.
Overall I'm glad I tried and I'm going to bundle it with some other rules in "Elderion Quest", whenever that comes out!
Thanks for sharing.