Started following the game from version 0.031.23, now I create this account after seeing pathetic dramas.
I always appreciate creators focusing on depicting futa details. Played cursed futana and I think using points to change appearance and CGs is great. It's hard to find similar games like that.
I like this community because players give reasonable feedbacks and creators adjust their games properly. I can't understand why even someone who's not the creator could affect game contents so much. If Mofu is the only creator making this game, then just let Mofu to decide how to complete this game. It's hilarious to see second creator suddenly appears. As a result we got such a mess.
I'll just wait for the completion of this game and purchase it to support. Getting pissed off can't solve anything.
Please keep on going Mofu, the process may be long and difficult but I'm sure I'll witness another masterpiece coming out.