Phew, that's one meaty comment! Thanks for taking the time to type such a beast out, and it's a pleasure to know you seem to enjoy and care about the game so much as to wanna leave such a comment! Much appreciated!
OK, I'll do my best to tackle all your points... let's go:
First thing's first, can you confirm that you're playing the most recent updated version, v0.308?
I can't say anyone has mentioned anything regarding visuals errors in the Moonlight Abductor's scenes. We can look into it though.
Regarding the "bonus" from the orange quest, that takes the form of a tasty snack later that gives a Max HP bonus, should you accept the Auxiliary Commander's offer to visit his office (and are friendly enough with him that he offers in the first place).
Regarding gallery scenes not unlocking: one potential issue is not seeing them through in their entirety, quitting out before they end. That or... maybe you are just mistaken about the hints.
I can tell you though that when it comes to the gallery and your suggestion for such, you actually CAN unlock scenes you missed using prior saves. That should work just fine, so... you can go back to your prior saves and work on things you missed, using the chest hints!
As for your suggestions:
We can look into a quit button on the title screen, sure. Though I can't say it's exactly a high priority thing for us.
We hope to add more oddities, yes. It's been slightly underused as a system, but as you rightly say it's a lot of work to make art for and balance and whatnot. But yes, something we also feel is a bit underutilised as a system.
As for "anti-gear", I feel like we actually have a bunch of that? From the slime suit to the cock latcher parasites, the mummy wraps, the cursed black thong... they're just usually not equipped by player choice.
Maybe you mean you want stuff like this that lasts longer, and isn't something that's restricted to just single areas and scenarios? Right now that's kind of our intent with the Skimpy Armour in that it provides pros and cons... but as for a purely negative handicap, we're a bit hesitant. It'd be a whole other variable to have to balance for the entire game, maybe tweak and adjust art and scenes to accommodate... it'd potentially be a LOT of work, which is why we usually keep 'anti-gear' thematic and restricted to a certain area and bunch of enemies.
Finally... I touched on your request of a persistent save gallery above. We don't want to add a cheat menu into the game though, I'm afraid. The persistent gallery save file unlocks, and the LEVEL / CORRUPTION buddy is about as far as we're willing to go in this matter.
Beyond the reason you mentioned about how it could cause a whole lot of bugs and issues... we'd basically be giving our endorsement to players to make broken builds, cheat and no-brain their way through both the game as it stands, and expect it for all future updates too.
I know SOME people would be fine with that (gamers will optimize all the fun out of a game given half the chance) but it really does fly in the face of the content, the combat, the abilities and battle dynamics, enemy scenarios and unlock routes that we spend hours crafting and balancing for a player's level, to sell a certain mood and in-game intent... as far as we are concerned as devs, cheating makes for a far worse and less enjoyable player experience when you can just invalidate the enemy abilities, or get everything you need without any effort or sense of discovery.
OF COURSE, there are external methods and software that can be used to cheat, for people who are so determined. And we're not going to stop people from doing so if they really want to, there's no anti-cheat systems in the game.
...but WE, as Devs, don't want to endorse this kind of thing with an official cheat system and throw the doors open to everyone.
* * * * *
Right, I think that's everything! No worries about the Discord thing or missing the 'completionist's timeline' either.
Thanks for playing the game through as you have done so far! Hopefully you can make use of the persistent save files in order to unlock the stuff you missed, and enjoy the full completion of the game when you finally achieve it!