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(1 edit)

Ey second comment from me here, but this time around I actually played the game! (Or at least part of it)

And I need to say this again, you have no idea how much I absolutely love the artstyle on this game, from the sprites to the gameboy-ish interface, everything here looks absolutely adorable, heck, even the game page is charming! My only tiny nitpick when it comes to graphics is that you should make it more clear what's a solid and what isn't, since you used the same metal beams for background deco as you did for solid blocks, wich got a little confusing at times. Even then, I would really dare to say this is one of the prettiest looking entries on the entire jam.

The controls are very good too, I could really see myself having a lot of fun messing around with the char's moveset, my only complaints here is that I wish there was a way to cancel the jetpack at will rather than having to wait all the fuel run off, and it would also be nice if I could trigger it on the air too.

This game really has so much potential, like, the level design really didn't look bad at all, but unfortumatelly the game is coded in a way that makes it extremelly frustrating sadly. I really couldn't git gud and play to the end at all, because every death just feels unfair. The player's hitbox is way too big, it's literally bigger than the character sprite (wich is the opposite of what you'd expect, wich would be smaller than the sprite) so sometimes I die to the sawblades witouth even looking like I was touching them at all. There's also the fact that every single laser on the game deals damage even before their animations play out, so it legit felt like I was getting damage out of thin air most of the time, and that alone kinda already made the big laser ball boss borderline impossible to dodge properly. The enemies also have hitboxes that are way bigger than their sprites, wich ends up bringing the same problems about me touching them witouth it feeling like it.

I really wish I was able to enjoy playing more of that tho, as I said I loved the aesthetics and overall player moveset, if it wasn't by all those small problems piled up togheter this could've been one my personal favorites, wich is a shame. Still, good job tho, this isn't a bad entry at all.

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I'll change the hitbox when the game can update again. thank you for suggestion.