Wonder why its called "Vilified" ? Maybe some of the story that didn't make it into the game.
What did make it in:
Running, flying, smoke run, fighting
Out of all these I feel the smoke run was the funnest ... although the camera/controls become really locked and kinda not great in some circumstances.
The sit fly cracked me up and quickly became fart flying. The Gliding is a little bit meh, in that you cant really fly.
I see that everything is using IK to some degree? Its nice work, but some of it looks a bit stiff, like the run looks like those funny speed walkers.
The butterfly's are just there to be pesky ? The tentacles are basically pointless.
The time trials, I did a few ...they were ok, kinda boring ... I want more speed, more shit that can take me out. Maybe I missed a few... or they were samey, cause I got lost in the map... Maybe add a way to choose a waypoint ... or give them different colors or numbers or something on the minimap.
The attack is literally wrong in the instructions, it says LMB ... but it should say:
RMB smoke stream (fly) / Attack when locked on to enemy. Or you know make it actually work with LMB.
I think one of the issues is the delay for attack / fly to happen... it should be more snappy
another thing that sucks is getting shot in the face when you are stuck in slow-mo ...
There is also a lack of SFX ... the music is good, and there are a few sounds here or there... but need more player sounds.
Also pretty forgiving that you can dive off a building and land on the street like all chill... I think you should be required to at least slow down a bit with the smoke.
hmmm ... sorry for the stream of text...
In conclusion:
This has a lot of potential, but currently its a little bit bare and has a few hiccups that stop it from standing out.