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Hello, I'm really happy you love the game.
I'm extremely passionate about HHG, I work and talk every day about it with my friends, and I every day think about the story, and how it can be improved, geez, I even have a worldanvil page where I write everything about the world-building and how stuff works.

I'm in love with Hero's Harem Guild, and I work every single day on it, so it hurts a little bit when people say I need to work harder or that I dropped the project, but it's understandable due to your position of not seeing me doing x stuff every day.

Now, before, was I working faster than today? No, that's not technically true. I want Hero's Harem Guild to be the best or one of the best H games out there so that requires me to improve my way of doing stuff and BE BETTER.

Before, I was just posing some characters, using modders' items and scenarios that were already made by others, and just using them. I didn't care too much about lightning, the camera, or about even the story, it was really simple to do everything.

Today that is different. As I modify textures of objects and create my own, I use proper lighting, I work a lot on the camera to give a more animey feeling, and I do lots, lots of other stuff I work on. (Sounds, expressions, effects on photoshop, etc)

And I believe that is why it might... feel... "slower". Because the quality of what I'm doing forces me to be slower, but I can't go faster; I go as fast as possible, as always

I'm aware that lots of people do not believe in me, but I don't care. I just hope that whenever I release this, people can see the clear and exponential quality differences between the 3-year-old version and the new.
And I'm extremely fine if people don't support me on Patreon; I'm not writing this for people to go and pay me. I don't care, don't do it. When I write stuff, I do it to tell people I'm still working on the game, and I want HHG to be the best H game ever. So, play it whenever it releases.

Sorry for the delays and the wait. I will be expecting your and thousands' feedback once you see the new stuff :D


Thank you! Can't wait! Haven't found a game even close to touching this since I played it, so you're definitely on the right track(:


Bro, take as much as time u need. We are with you. 


I respect your comment, I respect that you believe you are doing everything you can. I mean, that's the best any person can do. You are truly one of my favorite devs and I really hope you didn't read my comment wrong in any way, wasn't trying to bash you, just giving my honest opinion, on what I have seen over the 3 years. I'll be happy to play when the next update comes out. I just get a bad feeling like MGI, and now I simply need to see it before I believe it. Good luck, and I seriously can't wait for the next update. I hope it comes soon. 


I love your game so much. I can wait months or years. Just don't overwork yourself.


ngl just for that message i respect you more then most developers out there and i would gladly pay you if i could.

i am waiting since over a year like many others but i dont care how long it takes. the important part is that you keep your passion for the project and enjoy what you creat. after all isnt the point of creating something to be proud of it?

kinda sad to see all the people just throwing negative comments around without even trying to get informations on it.

im not in the discord, im not on twitter. all i do is check the comment section here once in a while for a komisari comment and i feel like i get all the informations that way without any effort.

keep doing what you do and know that not all the players here are that negative :)