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(2 edits) (+1)

Whew, talk about a meaty realm. There's so much to do in here, with so many unique mechanics and systems. Friendly NPCs? In my RUNE?! I think that aspect alone made this feel distinctly like a FromSoftware game in a way that, so far, no other realm I've played has been able to capture. Bravo! Needless to say, I really loved this one.

A note to other players: as the designer's warning says, this realm is not for those who are low on equipment/gear/runes!


And now, the not-so-fun part where I nitpick and point out mistakes and typos that I noticed. If these are corrected, I'll come back and edit this comment to remove this part.

Sigil Clock - the rules for this clock seem to indicate that it fills to 6 segments and stays that way, until the Engraved does something that causes it to gain another segment, at which point it would then clear itself. Is this correct? If so, that could probably use some clarification since it contrasts against the normal rules for cyclical clocks.

Point 3 - the Fight's text lists one Soldier's location as A2 but it should be A3.

Point 3 - the lower diagram shows a 'C' character on the grid rather than an 'R' (to represent the unique enemy here).

Point 5 - the Fight's text is missing some permanent terrain spaces.

Point 6 - the Fight's text has the Engraved starting in the wrong space.

Point 8 - the enemies are listed only starting at C1 in the text.

Point 8 - the enemies keyed under the diagram are incorrect; they don't appear in the Fight at this Point.

Point 9 - the Fight's terrain descriptions are totally different than what the diagram shows.

Shaver's Heist - Wave 3 text lists Hound in the wrong space.

Shaver's Heist - "NPC Fate: Shaver" is listed as being on page 24, which is true if you enter that number in your PDF viewer. But the label on the page itself marks it as #23.

Surveyor Rolia - this NPC's card is only present in the separate PDF containing all the cards.

NPC Fate: Surveyor Rolia - the bullet points refer to the pieces of gear as "Mapmaker's Pen" rather than what's shown on the cards ("Cartographer's Pen").

NPC Fate: Shaver - In the first bullet point, Shaver is referred to with "she" as a pronoun. (This is the only exception, so I'm assuming Shaver's pronouns should be he/him.)


Thank you for the great notes! I'm glad you enjoyed playing! 

I'm aiming to have the final part of this trilogy of Realms out by the end of the month, so I'll plan to put out corrections for this and Coral Rock alongside that!