The game looks good. But after you find the flashlight on the ground. It becomes too dark were you can't hardly traverse. Or know where you are going. Gets pretty aggravating. Especially when the realities of any game you pick up. The contents is obscure to the Player. And can easily get stuck in an area, or lost in a house that's unfamiliar territory. When in complete darkness. Not saying it's a bad game. Just typically aggravating, when you can't admire someone else's creativity because you aren't quite sure we're you really are. As for me. Couldn't find away outside, due to this darkness. Though. From what I did see...Good graphics! Thanks for putting it up.
The game refused to let me pick up the flashlight. I tried hitting every button though to no prevail. It wouldn't let me pick it up. Maybe it had something to do with the keyboard. I don't know. I'm running Windows 8. And I don't update this computer, because I don't use internet. Except what my phone provides. So. It's highly outdated. I can't create video games like you all can. Only ever designed characters in Skyrim's Race Menu and used the Creation Kit you get with Sexy Beach Premium Resort. I'm an excellent designer of characters. Just been playing the Skyrim game for as long as it's been out. Probably the longest player of Skyrim in the world. And I probably need a new keyboard. So it's possibly because of that, right there.