Pretty neat idea overall. 2 player co op would suit this game well (obviously) if time allows. i look forward to see how this develops :) I understand this is in rough demo stage but here's just a few notes I jotted down while playing if you would like some feedback:
friendly ai stopped moving after a couple of 'retry's. couldnt replicate it
retrying spawns extra bunnies in starting area
camera doesnt reset on retry
navigating item menu glitched out, moving the stick in certain directions wouldnt move
the item selection
flower petal enemy should rotate so it shoots one petal towards target
when right next to evil bunnies, they do not rotate to make an accurate attack swing
they just keep swinging in whatever direction they were in when they closed in
when exiting the 5 crystal room to the bottom left, and then exitting that room back into the crystal room, I got teleported to another part of the game entirely
could sequence break the nail section with either character by running through a 'hole' at the left of the nails
one button that shows all controls at once in a neat list, maybe select, would be nice
after getting hammer, i skipped through the dialogue (xd), so im not really sure how to use it. i tried different buttons but could not find anything
the knight feels pretty good to play but the witch feels a bit clunky
witch blink could use a telegraph of where she will end up
i would prefer no charge time for witch ranged attack
a short direction indicator coming forward out of the witch for her attack would be nice
i would prefer passive mana gain for witch, and replacing the mana gain ability
with an aoe bubble/repulse spell that pushes enemies away. could also be used as a puzzle/environment mechanic to push boulders and the like into slots similar to breath of the wild