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Hello! I was one of the streamers who took part in Feedback Quest, and I'm here to leave some comments I had while playing.

Or I would, but it seems many people have spoken about it. I do hope that you will be able to do more work into this and polish it. I would recommend maybe combining mouse and keyboard, where you click on a can you want to move and then use the keyboard arrows to move it around. Currently, doing it with clicking is slow and repetitive.

That said, I have no idea why some cans change instead of instantly disappearing.

they change their position. when three cans are vertical or hoorizontal in a row they disappear, match 3 game

Sorry, I should clarify. I would match the cans and sometimes they would just vanish, but other times there would be an animation and the cans would be replaced by blank cans. Then these blank cans would randomly disappear and reappear when I did other matches.