Also I have some remarks and suggestions about a few minor issues.
1) I found one marvelous scene in Carceburg with a man behind the bar, as shown at the picture. It triggers when you speak with him without a badge. The problem is, there is no such scene or a similar scene at the gallery, and I've unlocked it all. I think you could add it to the Badgeless section or to the Carceburg section.
2) Secondly, I can't unlock some scenes from Peitho training section. I've completed all the quests and all trainings (and pushed everything I could), but still didn't unlock the first b-job scene. Also I can't unlock "ass inspection", cause there is no such option in the training screen. And the last scene is still "in progress", but the gallery says I can unlock it.
3) The last thing is not so critical, but it may causes some bugs.
In the previous free versions I could buy a "kinky" costumes, and I still can wear one of it as you can see at my picture. But in current version the same costumes available only in the patreon version... Bruh/
Thanks for your attention :)