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actually thats not true,  the peter thing with alexia is not avoidable,   the forced sharing of the brothers... is forced,  even if you sneak to fuck her,  she will still fuck her brother...  or you can reject her,  but still is forced shit because is either share or reject her.  A shame you did go that route and added this shit content,  your game could have been good and you would have more support. But most of us are not into cuck shit content even if you ended up making it avoidable,  even less forced as you did with them.


the peter alexia thing is to highlight there is history there and doesn't go further than that. im not entirely sure how you can count a single kiss as cuck content


i was talking about the brother and sister, Don't remember her name but she is fucking her brother and they tell the mc to either join the relationship( forced cuck sharing) , reject her or the mc can sneak fuck her... But the fact is she will keep fucking her brother no matter the choice, your game have unavoidable cuck content, it is forced , the only avoidable cuck shit was that old dude that wanted to fuck one of the lis.... He does try to blackmail them with the nudes he have and the mc can beat him up or act like a damm pussy cuck... Disgusting, and yeah most of your game caters to cucks kinda why you have little support 

Most of the girls are fucking around including the daughter of scarlet and peter... Etc. I hope at least you add the tags and be honest about the content inside your game, it has all 3 cuck tags .. swinging,sharing and netorare.