Huh? Is AI generated stuff banned here? I distintly remember games on here with stuff that was said to be AI.
AI is a bad word for what it is. It confuses people and gives false expectations.
For itch I imagine it would be a problem, if the copyright is unclear. If you publish you somehwere assert that you do infact have the right to do so. Including copyrights/licenses where needed. Should you have material in the neural net training set, that you were not allowed to use, that could lead to problems. And there are arguments made in courts, that you cannot even copyright AI material (imho that stems from that false expectation. AI implies I and that implies personhood, and if some other person created it, you cannot have the copyright. Or something like that. Wich is also wrong, because you can absolutely retain copyright of your employed workers. It is complicated, and the judges and lawmakers do not know much about computers, so they try to apply rules from other fields. That does not work well often.)