I'm coming back to this game after having been frustrated with the battle controls on Android, but they're still missing a couple of major things.
First, I figure there's probably a key command to exit the movement/target selection in battle, but as I'm on Android and don't have a keyboard plugged in, I can't hit that key. An on-screen Back button would solve this problem.
Secondly, it is very very easy to tap a specific square on the battle grid, but the game registers it as a square next to it instead so you end up spending two energy moving instead of one, or hit an ally when you mean to hit an enemy. Having some option for fine control of the targeting reticule would help. For example, when you select a square to move to, a confirm screen before the party member moves, and on that screen you get a D-pad layout of on-screen buttons to move the reticule one square at a time, and then a Confirm button and a Back button. If you tapped exactly where you meant to the first time, you can just hit Confirm and be done with it. Same for when choosing a target to attack.
If you do take action to fix these issues, I request that you add them to the current public version so we don't have to wait for these gameplay fixes to trickle down the content update pipeline.