okay, so i tryed the patch version with the working phone and , i am very sorry to say this, but the whole PATS/GPS design with the permanent phone at the side and the switching in between is still really bad and annoying
You already explained in the past why you want the system cause things would get to cluttered in the middle in future versions.
So i admit i am no programmer but i had the idea: why not use the icons you are already using in the phone for the main picture so that you can still put away your phone AND dont need to switch between two apps ?
i took a bit of time with a Picture editor to show you what i mean.
As seen here, lots of space in the middle to put whatever stuff there and no need for a permanent phone on the side.
Upper left icons for moving around and lower right icons showing all people that are avaible at the time to interact with and to be directly clickable without using phone/app).
Now its just an idea, and i fully understand if you dont want it (or it is not at all possible or doesnt work with your game idea,
I just dont wanted to be one of these people who always complain but never bring up an idea of there own, thats all xD
The PATS/GPS system is terrible.
- Open GPS, move to next area till you get where you're going
- Close GPS
- Open PATS to see if anyone is there.
- Close PATS
- Open GPS -> back to step 1 as I wander randomly around checking each place every day at different times to see if someone is there or if there's something to do.
That's a LOT of clicks and menus. It's repetitive and annoying and unnecessary.
You could for instance:
- put a marker on GPS locations with active people/events
- alternatively show in PATS where people are - it's a messaging app so why do you have to be in the same location to find someone?
- Mermidon's idea of adding portraits is even better - if you're in the same area you should just be able to see who else is there.
The GPS windows are pretty empty - why not put ALL locations in one GPS window - that should save a lot of clicking and opening and closing screens.
just to clarify, the intention of the portraits in the lower right was not only to see who is there but also that portraits itself were clickable so that one can start interacting with the person directly without the need of pulling up the phone or opening an app. i didnt really describes it right the first time. xD (time to fix that)