Yeah, I thought of it when testing but didn't know how to implement it. Then a few people asked for it as well and after some trial and error, I managed to do it.
And it was confusing indeed, I agree. I mean, the "Exit" button does nothing for obvious reasons. The logo up there indeed darkens the button too. But I want to leave it up there in case the game ever gets translated to other languages. Then the language choice would be neatly under the start button.
I was certain the bright buttons below would be self-explanatory. In the sense you're supposed to pause and read everything. But, turns out, it's not that intuitive for everyone. That's why there's an instructions pop up now. So I certainly agree it's both interesting and irritating. And sometimes confusing. Still, the most interesting part about it was optimising it to be used with just a click/touch. I could make the info pop up when hovering over a button. But on tablets and such you can't exactly hover over anything. So that's why there are buttons with question marks.