the music and graphics were great, i feel like this has a lot of potential
the controls felt good to. would suggest adding 'coyote time' (can jump a little bit after walking off a platform)
the animations for the enemies are really good. i did feel that this game tends to have quite a bit of down time due to reloading. bats are 3hp and the level design is littered with them so you keep having to reload and wait which slows things down a lot. trying to aim at enemies that are bellow you also slows things down: it feels a bit annoying trying to duck and see if you can get a hit them trying again either ducking or standing because the ground doesn't line up. the mushroom enemies hiding and bats flying into walls also cause downtime.
liked how there were multiple paths. it was a bit confusing that you needed to go to the statue to get the powerup. would suggest having a way of recovering hp as you go or save points since this game can require quite a bit of time before reaching something and making progress. thought the insta-death spikes might be needlessly harsh considering. a pretty neat mechanic i liked was the crystals to restore lighting as it can incentivise moving forward.
overall this game seems very promising, nice work!