Sorry for the lack of diplomacy sandwich, but I have to state upfront that I hate the Battle Royale concept, but I am a big fan of space operas and space shooters in particular. I did start a game a lot like the one you describe (but in java...until I got stuck by a network bug I could not defeat), but instead entirely based on cooperation. I think your project is amazingly promising, and you have all my cheers for completing it ! If it ever happens to help, I did release a small free special effects assets pack from my game for free on, if you happen to see any usefulness in it.
Thanks for the support! I think of making this team based as well (or at least add a team mode).
I feel you, networking is really tough to get done right. I realise that now more than ever, since I'm doing it from scratch.
I saw your assets and while they're nice, they don't really fit the style I'm aiming for, so I'm going to pass on that.
No problem. I completly recognize myself in your game making process and decision, and I was actually kindof wanting to roam around the universe before the Star Citizen release date (that some say will be infinitely away in the future). I will follow your dev and try to make useful comments if it occurs.