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Interesting game. Would love to see more. Reminds me of how my abusive childhood was many years ago. I used to have to sneak to the kitchen at night to get food too. I can relate to that. We're probably as strange as each other xD I understand. 

All in all.. I like this game but for different reasons than people may think. Real Life doesn't baby, block, delete, censor or hide anything.
So by all means, please, show ALL the endings through. I'll be happy to still play it. This does not affect me. In fact, it will make me at least feel better knowing it could have been much worse... I want it to go there.

It affects us all differently.

Thank you for your game. If only we had more than one life like a video game like this and we could try things again, differently... -_- If only we could just simply start over and start a new game like we can with this lol... sigh*

- For anyone that this game disturbs, simply don't play it. It's that easy. At least you have a choice. 
Although the dev may want to put more of a warning what kind of content this interesting little game contains for the ultra sensitive and light hearted. That's ultimately up to the dev though. I can see how this one can be kind of an "eye opener."
As crazy as that sounds, it's not a bad thing. "What could" happen, is though. That's a point as sharp as any needle. You're gonna feel it one way or another lol.  

Thank you Strange Girl. In a strange way, this reminds me how my life is better now. It's enlightening to me. So yeah, I personally am going to thank you for making this. So that's what I think lol. I'd love to come back to this and play more.
So +1 to continue it and add more/ the rest. As I seen it, there were only 2 REAL "game overs..." and the rest decent endings like my own luckily enough. The game is only half finished if even. There really could be a number of days survived system implemented. And of course, then there are the endings to depict in detail. That's what really makes it a adult game. 

As far as I see it... Best if I keep my darkness to myself from here on though for the greater good.
The more you've seen in life like me, that's happened to you, the worse you can imagine... I'll leave it at that. I'm sure Strange Girl gets it. Otherwise, I'm sure this game wouldn't even exist. That's what matters. 

Live life, Have fun, Find happiness where you can. 


Agreed, I had to deal with stuff too so it would be fascinating to see where this goes. Personally, I feel a bit blessed to be engaged to someone who also had it similarly bad growing up as me and we both have the perpetual fascination with media like this that depicts the more realistic horrors of life, makes us feel better about how things turned out for us too, I suppose.

Thanks for your comment, it was nice to see someone else share enthusiasm for these types of things after going through similar hardships.

I hope you can find someone who can make you feel truly understood, interactive stories like this are great at doing that beyond the screen, but it's also great to know that someone you love understands everything about that stuff!

Good luck in the world! ^w^


After all this time... I'm sorry that I did not see your comment sooner...

Thank you for your kind words and well wishes.
That last was more heartfelt than you know. 

I can only hope in time to be so lucky before it's too late...

And to you as well. May life always bless you and present to you happiness and good fortune wherever you go in one way or another.

Be good to one another. Always. 
And the love will always be there. 

- "In a world where we mainly only have each other, Life can be bad enough as it is, so we must do our best to make it better where we can."