Allright I tested the Slave auctions as much as possible and found s game crashing bug and a few bugs/errors:
1: The game crashes when some of the random generated Rabbits are sold it looks like several textures are missing since I got those errors
Unable to finde file graphics/pictures/rabbodfsliwp
Don't know if there are more missing but those are those I found.
2: When Rabbit Princess is sold the clerk calls her Wyvern Princess and when Rabbit Princess should tell her dialog it shows Harvest Princess with her dialog.
3:Strangly when Harvest Princess is sold the clerk only says !!! and when Harvest Princess should tell her Dialog it skips that even though it should exist because of the above bug.
4: Some of the randomly generated Slimes only show the head without body and their face is next to the head hoovering in the air but the slimes with slave outfits show just fine.
5:More a Typpo but the Clerk always says the auction will last for 2 min but it only goes for 60 seconds.
That's all I found hope you can fix them.