Q: What are Naquagems (NG)?
A:It is a token in our points system.
Q: Why do we need NGs?
A: We hope people with NG can become passionate, enthusiastic volunteers who teach and share Gandi with others. They will lead local communities, organize online and offline events, produce courses and tutorials, create templates, share translations, and much more. In the future, you will be able to spend NG on buying props, rewarding favorite creators and projects, exchanging assets and extending storage, etc.
Q: How to earn NGs?
A: Anyone who contributes to the community can get NG rewards. Currently, there are several ways to earn: - Join this server: +100 - Invite a friend: +100/user - Bug & Suggestion bounty: +10/single - Account linking between Cocrea and discord: +100 - Join events - Answer questions asked by users More ways to earn points will be launched in the future.
Q: How to check my NG balance? A: We provide two commends in
💎┊points: - /balance
: check the balance - /leaderboard
: check Top 20 users
Q: How to gift NGs to others?
A: We provide a command in
💁┊help-with-scripts: - /gift
[member] [bucks]
Q: Is there any way to link my Cocrea account to discord so I can transfer my NGs from discord to Cocrea?
A: Yes, please refer to our guide: https://discord.com/channels/972455584047722546/983642594972160083/1043128135627055115