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Had a great game of this today - it was 2-player and we had just two hours, so maybe not ideal conditions, but the system held up admirably and the online play resources worked great. Our game covered one generation in a far-future outpost of “sun divers” - Perihelion, a group of transhumanist bioengineers and thrillseekers; the Leaderboard of the True Game (aka the True Gamers), an obnoxious VR-cult; and the Detachment, a witness-protection program for mobsters trying to lay low. Because of the time constraints, we ended up taking fewer than ten turns in total, but it still felt like a complete story - I thought the way the rondel mechanic let us see the end coming and start tying up loose threads was very clever, and it gave the game a great arc. Would love to try it as a longer-form experience sometime, but in the meantime, congrats to Adam and everyone involved on a fine game!