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1. Those aren't the only screenshots going around.
2. You're the only one who just assumes that no one is going to notice that's a guy's ass and legs.
3. I can speak for a vast majority because I've been in the size community for 18 years and I've seen just about everything. GTS fans far outnumber GT fans. It's just a fact. So yes, I can speak for them.
4. There are literally forum and discord conversations about how this game is dead because the creator added male giants.
5. Catering to a larger audience only works if you don't alienate your core fanbase. Plenty of products have been lost to time because someone thought they can "Cater to a larger audience" and ended up losing their marketshare as a result. This is marketing, not sales. 
6. People are complaining openly, so yeah, I do have a basis.
7. Muh privilege. Not an argument. Besides, this was originally created as a giantess only game. We're the ones who backed it financially right away. What gives any of you the right to come here and demand the inclusion of your fetish?
8. The only alienation is including content that the majority of the fanbase finds repulsive.


I'm a gts fan but can you please stop with this boring debate or do it somewhere else 


"Muh Privilege" yeah you sure are acting privileged. Wonder why, oh maybe because 100% of macro games online are for the gts community and god forbid one actually is nice enough to finally include others in it and you try to tear it down. That's repulsively selfish over everything else you have, you just want more and more and more. Where does it end? Where do other people get a chance? I just find that selfish mindset sickening to where I wanted to say that, sorry.
Other then that, I agree with Kane, I'm done here, nothing more to say since obviously your mind is set in your ways.