I'm pretty much done with this version the only side quest i haven't been able to complete is finding the golden scrang in lowparts lvl 3 because I can't find my way past lvl 2.
Cargo Bay >>> Lowparts LV1 (head south on the map) >>> South Lowparts LV1 ( head south on the map) >>> South Lowp LV2 (head southwest on the map) >>> South Lowp LV3 (head northwest on the map) >>> Golden Gremlin aka Sham. Hope this was helpful.
Yes because there's nothing to do there anymore. There are different levels with similar names. "South Lowparts LV3" is the golden gremlin quest's final location (Sham). "Underparts LV3" but the name isn't displayed where the demonorph were catched Anfalel.