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(1 edit) (+2)

i was playing the demo even for hours after i donated 15. but then realized this must be the demo. everything im even missing out on lol. ugh. i wonder if i cam import my saved game. just trying to say how much i enjoyed you game even without having a full version

(1 edit)

There are no demos.


You just tipped him 15 dollars, you just got the game in current development. Although, thanks for unknowingly supporting the game! 


He/she must have missed some info while paying the $15,- . Can't really say that it could be unwillingly. But, it is for a better game and full support!


Yes, it was very kind of him either way! 

you all misunderstand. i paid 15 to support. but yes i upgraded level 2 and it never appeared, i made a new game it finally appeared then once the girls start coming in wow...... its like none stop action. i cant keep up i cant upgrade lol.