Brehhhh, what legs do you have to stand on, Infurryness?
Bro stands on all fours and tries to get naughty with his grandma's dog 💀
2 if u have a braincell 4 and 0 if u have none
What did you just say???
None of these, but I think, 0 for you
what does ATP stand for? a tiny pussy?
No actually. Take another guess, which is not dumb. By the way, what does B2DK stand for? Bow To Dumb "King"? And do you describe me yourself as the dumb king? Seems quite right. Except you're not a king.
bro what typpa shitton roast is that bro roasted himself when he tried to roast me :skull:
How to pretend you won the arguement
bro acts like it ngl
You meant B2DK
bro r u seriously that bad at roasting or joking cus im seriously cringing at your roasts