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The things I want answers for are why Athena seems to have such a grudge against Asterion, why the Threadcutter was placed into the realm with Asterion, as well as why Aphrodite and Hephaestus did not vote on the trial. There's a few more too, such as how Asterion was stolen away from Hades despite the court being in favour of him staying. Another thing I would find very interesting is discovering more peacock feathers, which contain glimpses into the past. How amazing would it be if a peacock feather from one of P's ancestors had witnessed something vital to the story?

And yes, a satisfying ending is something everybody wants. Though, this is a heavily Greek inspired tale, so I fear for the worst. Memories can grow fonder when there's no more to be made, but as long as there's memories to be made, unfinished strings, there will be much more of Asterion to see. I think I mentioned it previously, that MC and Asterion reaching Asphodel together would be a wonderful happily ever after. Although, Luke and Kota are unlikely to go there, judging by what little we know of the afterlife and how you get assigned to a relevant place. 

Wasn't Aphrodite married to Hephaestus? Maybe they were off doing something else during the vote? 🤣😜

All joking aside... 

You mentioned: "I think I mentioned it previously, that MC and Asterion reaching Asphodel together would be a wonderful happily ever after. Although, Luke and Kota are unlikely to go there, judging by what little we know of the afterlife and how you get assigned to a relevant place."

I do expect that the story of Asterion and MC will continue with the 'soft' ending being the two of them living together as they grow old, and the 'hard' ending being the both of them dying and going to the Underworld together. It would be sad that Kota and Luke wouldn't be there, but at least Asterion and MC would have each other.


Small update on this, I actually just discovered more story I was not aware of prior. I don't do datamining unless it's for convenient access to ingame text (as you can't copy paste in the game).

Turns out Hestia's vote was discarded as she is no longer of Olympus, and Hades' vote got discarded because he sent it by letter. Which means the trial was, generally, rigged by Athena. Asterion is innocent, the court is not. So disregard my point about it not making sense, with Asterion being punished anyway.

Now that you mention that, I do feel like I remember that...

I do wonder what Athena's beef is with Asterion. *Puns*

I think I remember Athena hating Poseidon???


It was stated in the transcripts of the trial by multiple gods that Athena has been zealously wiping out Poseidon's entire bloodlines. I think it's because he keeps leaving demigods all over the place.