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It's humorous XD Enjoyed the dating profiles. :P Though for gameplay and overall experience, as much as I had wanted to enjoy this game, I couldn't enjoy your game even though I like the humor and creativity. This is because of the implementation(?) and the bugs (e.g., the Next Button causes display errors and overlaps, even all the way to the title screen after a path is completed), how sometimes pressing Next skips two screens and I miss text, having to slowly swipe through the profiles every single time (especially if you want to see all the outcomes, and as a Completionist, I do and I did get every single path but it felt like a kind of chore at the same time), and how I have to redo something on the same path from scratch just to see all the different outcomes. So those really killed the experience for me. T_T If there were a "Skip to the next choice selection point," or even a Save/Load option, that would have really helped and I would have enjoyed your game. Also when I played and got most of the outcomes for the most part, there was no music at all. I really thought this was some kind of humor game that  was supposed to have no music (as a part of the design and joke) because the first several times I opened it, it came without any music at all. Then, when I closed the game for a third time due to a bug, I was surprised there was music. Other than this, the idea is interesting and I do want to see more of this project and Harold dating and cucumbers humor XD

Thanks for the feedback, Kiaysu. I wish I had had more time to smooth out the navigation issues. As for the lack of music, if you were playing on the browser the music would take a while to download before playing, hence the silence the first few times. I did want music to be present through the whole experience, but again, lack of time kept that from happening.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story despite the shortcomings.

Hey KV, thanks for replying and open to feedback! And oh, I played on the laptop. I tend to avoid browser games when there is a download available (didn't fully realize there was a browser version probably because I downloaded your game quickly along with tons of others the other day). Weird about the music. :O