So, I checked my save files, they're only 750kb, and my resources are fairly well balanced, so I don't think we have the same issue. The entire program folder is only 200mb, I can't figure out where all the space went. I'm assuming its a swap file in a temporary folder somewhere. I cleared 15gb so it had plenty of room, and it swallowed all that up as well, lol. I keep a usb drive handy, that seems like the quickest easiest solution, lol.
Have you managed to get berries to work? I've only tried a couple of times, but after a short while (it might be triggered by restoring from a saved game) the berries become useless, you can't pick them up off the ground or take them out of the storage container, or even feed them to the folk, they just refuse to do anything except, one time a bot was holding one and trying to store it into a container, so I took it off him, and I was able to plant it. But it grew into a useless bush, that refused to be thrashed.
Berries seem to be the only renewable food. There's not enough cows to feed everyone on milk, and bread requires sticks aren't renewable for some reason.