At the end of the day, whenever you are doing it for the money or not, skins are a good way to support the making of the game. You need money to live, and having a game that makes no profit is not worth it. After all, you spend time, energy and ressources for it to come alive! Skins are a marvelous way to get some extra money, while not taking too much time, nor ressources. It helps push the game foward, make people happy and give you more ressources/economic security. Personnally, I got the game, didnt need skins and still had a good time. Anyways, keep up the good work! Thank you for keeping the game updated! :)
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Thing is he's hired VA's and a new artist if I recall and I don't know if he has others helping them.
Depending on the costs and number of workers they have brought in$10K isn't much.
If anyone watches Easy Allies when they started they straight up said they needed about $30K a month to semi-live comfortably and get even partially back to how they were under Gametrailers and Spike TV