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Thanks! A Couple Of Days Works

I'm not rushing u or anything, But It's been 2 weeks bruh

Hey Sorry about that. I been busy with graduating and finishing finals. I can get that finished for you later today.

Yo congrats on graduating! I wasnt sure how fast the Reaper comes but let me know if this static works


It works! I haven't decided on a speed yet so it works

Glad to hear! keep me updated. i can work on the next asset

Hmmmmm..... Idk what the next asset will be

Hey, Hows the progress been? any updates?

Actually that 1 and a half week halt kinda killed my creativity so imma just wait for some progress maybe if theres a few questions ill asnwer them

no worries man just wanted to see how everything is. no rush guy

K Thanks :D