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Hi! I was playing your game subject LOVE, I wanted to tell you I found a little bug! (It doesn't crash the game of anything, just wanted to let you know, if you need any info I can tell you;D like the decisions I made or something, this happen until the final decision appear!) Btw, the game was really funny and good! Hope to see more, I did all the endings :D


omg Bogart shamelessly showing his feet like that πŸ˜³ But, seriously, I'm sorry it happened πŸ˜” and thank you so much for sharing it with us!

Thanks to your screenshot I found where the bug was hiding πŸ‘€ and I got rid of it πŸ˜ŒπŸ™ 

Now the files are updated and hopefully, it won't appear again.

Also!! Thank you so much for playing!!! β€οΈ We are really happy you enjoyed it πŸ₯° πŸ₯° 


NP! Haha since it was my first try I though he revived to kick me off the world LMAOO it was pretty funny tbh, Thank you so much for the game! I actually shared with mi sister so she can also play, I was waiting for thisπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“


About to try out the vn, so I scrolled down to check the comments real quick while waiting for it to download and LOL! That bug is amazing :'D