I love it how we just keep having more rambles and ideas and all of them make sense in a way - also how we can just go on and on talking about - it's so much fun.
And YES for all your ideas (aside from the lewd fame, mine is 0 and I don't plan on leveling up - dunno, not my cup of tea), seriously, they're amazing!
And yes, please. Please. PLEASE. A system where when we don't visit for a while - I'm thinking about two weeks to a month - they get anxious and worried and have a talk about it. Fucking please. They can even send letters. Like, we're at Northcrest (or close enough), and Torben brings letters for us from worried Bernard, who's been also talking with Logan (who got moody and grumpier since we've been gone), the Lizards (who are so freaking worried they're going to Bareshade even on weekdays just to check on us), Korg (who's obviously worried sick, and even makes food for two sometimes, just wishing we're home soon)...
Just thinking about this gave me more ideas lol
Gonna keep quiet, don't have money to become a Patreon and actually give these ideas to Hyao haha
Will probably write a few drables ♡