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As others have said, it's impressive especially for a jam (voices, art, immersiveness) but it's kinda easy to get lost: I talked to sheriff, then citizen 1, citizen 2 and I spent around 10 minutes before finding citizen 3 (the one that leads you to a tomb in the woods). Maybe some kinda minimap with villager dots  could be nice? (but I can imagine I'd detract from the immersiveness somewhat).

Citizen 3 led me to the tomb, then he kept walking in one spot somewhat away from the scene. I looked in the visor and saw a bunch of people. I thought the game bugged out, so I waited for citizen 3 to finish walking (he was quiet the whole time). Nothing visible happened for around a minute (visor or normal vision) and then I suddenly got game over'd. "Oh, maybe I was supposed to run the moment I saw bunch of dead people in the visor? But they didn't seem to notice or pursue me..."

Anyway it's an amazing project of a big scale especially for a jam (immersive 3D environments, voice over, lots of hand drawn art), and it's super cool that you amazed to pull it off in just three days! Other commenters seem to be more lucky with bugs, so I can imagine the story goes much deeper. One of the top contenders for sure!